We are at RoboCup-2010 in Singapore, June 19-25, competing in teen-size humanoid events!  Images and video will be posted as they are available - check out the official Gallery!

We are chairing the Second International Conference on Advanced Humanoid Robotics Research, which will take place in Bangalore, India, in September, 2010, co-located with the 2010 FIRA Robot World Cup. Please see the Official Call for Papers for more details. Reviewing is now complete: congratulations to all accepted papers!


We had a more-rare-than-they-should-be social event for the lab, a halloween party on the 4th floor. We had a lot of guests from other labs and the food and entertainment was super. Let's do this more often hmm?

You can check out images in the new gallery

The First Taiwan - Canada - Austria Workshop for Autonomous Mobile Robots and Computer Vision will be held on January 26, 2010 at the Technical University of Vienna. We are handling paper submission: see the full call for papers for details!

We will be competing at the FIRA HuroCup 2018 in Taiwan, in July 2018! Interested in becoming a sponsor? Please Contact us!

The Autonomous Agents Laboratory is one of the research laboratories within the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manitoba, and is directed by Dr. John Anderson and Dr. Jacky Baltes. The goal of our work is the improvement of technology surrounding hardware and software agents as well as the development of applications employing these technologies. We are especially interested in cooperation in multi-agent settings, and the infrastructure necessary to support this and other forms of social interaction in intelligent systems.