Some of our former students have developed some very nice software for robot simulation and visual programming. Cogmation's robotSim software is a lightweight 3-D simulator, supporting the packbot, roomba, and iRobot create, with realistic physics implemented by the Ageia PhysXTM Physics Engine. The simulator supports Laser Scanner, IR, Sonar, GPS, and other sensors. Their robotFoundry software supports a complete graphic coding environment for robot control software.
Best of all, you can get a free activation license for Mac/Windows just by filling in a survey.


We will be be attending RoboCup 2018 in Montreal, the first time RoboCup has come to Canada!

The Autonomous Agents Laboratory is one of the research laboratories within the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manitoba, and is directed by Dr. John Anderson and Dr. Jacky Baltes. The goal of our work is the improvement of technology surrounding hardware and software agents as well as the development of applications employing these technologies. We are especially interested in cooperation in multi-agent settings, and the infrastructure necessary to support this and other forms of social interaction in intelligent systems.